What sets Dr. Roxanne apart from other public speakers is her ability to communicate with a sincere and professional approach. She uses her knowledge and personal experience to inspire people of all ages, at every stage of life, to make simple changes to their daily routines.
To inquire or book Dr. Roxanne to speak at your next gathering, please call the office at 713-899-7073 or message me anytime.

After being on your plan, I had my annual “heart checkup” and the results were amazing! My doctor was so happy with my results. I must give the credit to you and your plan. I truly think your program was the major factor in my great improvement. Thanks!

I recently went to my doctor for my annual. She and I are thrilled with the results from my visits with you. My blood results were amazing. Being 62 years old and able to lose almost 40 pounds has surprised and shocked all of us! Thanks again. My husband is thrilled to be buying me more and more and more clothes!

My annualized work regime requires traveling around the world an average of 250 days per year. Trying to maintain any type of weight training, proper cardiovascular mix, let alone a healthy meal program was literally next to impossible. I am blessed to say that this has all changed because of Dr. Roxanne’s guidance. I now have a Cycling, Weight Lifting Program as well as easy-to-follow Meal Plan. As a result, I have lost over 40 pounds while I am away from home. I haven’t felt better. Thank you, Dr. Roxanne, for changing my life!

Dr. Roxanne Edrington's information is a lifestyle change you can live with. Easy to follow, with all the information you need to live a healthy, happy life. The easiest plan we have ever followed, and gives amazing results. Rick and I decided we wanted to be around to enjoy our grandson. We both needed to lose weight & be more active to keep up with him. This "diet" is not really a diet, it is an easy to follow meal plan that leads to healthy eating, combined with an everyday exercise program leading to dramatic results. Thanks Dr. Roxanne! We could not have done this without you.